Influence Quotient Awareness – InQA

CONGRATULATIONS! You are taking the next step towards achieving Extraordinary Results! Please answer the questions as honestly as possible as you don’t want to cheat yourself out’ve the experience. This isn’t about being good or bad, it is about giving you a starting point to begin the process of becoming more aware of your ability to effectively influence others in three major categories. You should receive the results shortly after you complete the assessment.

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You set the expectations with your team members (direct reports) and then let them decide how to tackle the challenge or situation.

Please select an option

Albert Einstein once said, "The most important decision we make is whether we believe the world is a friendly or hostile place?"  Do you ...

Please select an option

How often do you hold yourself back from taking risk in your career (switching companies, starting your own business, changing careers, etc.) because your fear holds you back? 

Please select an option

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being opaque (non-transparent) and 5 being transparent where would you rate your level of transparent communication in difficult or challenging situations?

Please select an option

When having conversations with others, you first seek to understand the other persons' perspectives by asking questions, before sharing your opinions, thoughts, or ideas

Please select an option

Your ability to be promoted is directly tied to your ability to step back and influence others to do the work versus the doing of the actual work yourself?

Please select an option

You consistently hold your people accountable for the work that they are responsible for completing?

Please select an option

How would your direct reports, peers, and leader, describe you in regards to whether they experience you as being other-centered versus self-centered?

Please select an option

How often do you find yourself settling for what is comfortable, known, or secure instead of taking risks and making changes in your life?

Please select an option

Influence Quotient – InQ

CONGRATULATIONS! You are taking the next step towards achieving Extraordinary Results! Please answer the questions as honestly as possible as you don’t want to cheat yourself out’ve the experience. This isn’t about being good or bad, it is about giving you a starting point to begin the process of becoming more influential. You should receive the results shortly after you complete the assessment.

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Enter your Detail to start quiz

Please enter the information inside highlighted box

You set the expectations with your team members (direct reports) and then let them decide how to tackle the challenge or situation.

Please select an option

It has been pointed out to you that you have a tendency to micro-manage, get into the weeds, have it your way, over-control, etc.?

Please select an option

You believe that people possess the ability to find their own solutions to their problems?

Please select an option

As a leader, you believe it is your responsibility to ask questions to help others see the obstacles they're placing in their path and then let them decide what to do to move forward?

Please select an option

When others do not follow your advice, you apply pressure until they agree with you or to do things your way?

Please select an option

Have you ever taken credit for someone else's work?

Please select an option

Where would your employee’s and peers rate you on the following scale?

Please select an option

How would your direct reports, peers, and leader, describe how you they experience their interactions with you?

Please select an option

How often do you look for opportunities to self-promote your brand, education, or accomplishments, in order to be recognized or to advance your career?

Please select an option

You would support the advancement of your top performer, even if it would cause you a tremendous amount of time, energy, and work to replace them? 

Please select an option

Are there any significant events that have taken place in your life that continue to negatively impact your ability to trust others especially at work?

Please select an option

Complete the following sentence: "When dealing with conflict, I always ... (check all that apply to you).

Please select an option

When it comes to being an optimist or a pessimist, others would describe you as ...? 

Please select an option

Overall, do you believe that while bad things happen in life, for the most part, the majority of people in this world are good?

Please select an option

Albert Einstein once said, "The most important decision we make is whether we believe the world is a friendly or hostile place?" Do you ...

Please select an option

You believe that the world offers abundant opportunity if you are willing to learn, apply yourself, and find ways to provide value to others?

Please select an option

What is your current relationship with money?  

Please select an option

Do you believe that your current position provides the opportunity you need to advance your career? 

Please select an option

Do you believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to and that the only thing getting in your way is you or your self-limiting beliefs? 

Please select an option

How often do you hold yourself back from taking risk in your career (switching companies, starting your own business, changing careers, etc.) because your fear holds you back? 

Please select an option

How often do you find yourself settling for what is comfortable, known, or secure, instead of taking risks and making changes in your life?

Please select an option

How often do you allow your team members to decide how a task is to be done once you assign them responsibility for completing it?

Please select an option

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being high, how would those you work with rate you on their ability to trust you?

Please select an option

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being high, how would you rate your overall ability to trust others? 

Please select an option

Your ability to build trust, is based on your willingness to be transparent and vulnerable and not strictly a matter of time? 

Please select an option

How often do you find yourself attempting to shape a situation, based on your careful selection of words or phrases in order to achieve your desired results?

Please select an option

Where would you rate your level of transparency in communication, especially during challenging situations?

Please select an option

If asked, others would say that you are honest and forthright with them no matter how difficult the topic or issue might be? 

Please select an option

Do you attempt to hide your true agenda when interacting with others?

Please select an option

Do you always do what you say you’re going to do, when you say you’re going to do it?

Please select an option

When having conversations with others, you first seek to understand the other persons' perspectives by asking questions, before sharing your opinions, thoughts, or solutions?

Please select an option

In a typical conversation what percentage of the time are you listening versus talking?

Please select an option

When people come to you with problems or challenges, you offer them suggestions, before you understand their perspective or ask them how they might handle the situation?

Please select an option

When involved in meetings, how often do you ask clarifying questions to get the group refocused, back-on-track, or to bring a new perspective to light?

Please select an option

Do you ever find yourself in a conversation, notice the other person has stopped listening, and you continue talking anyway?

Please select an option

Check all that apply to you:

Please select an option

You believe that being a leader means you need to step back and create a space for your people to step up so they can grow?

Please select an option

You become extremely frustrated with others when they don't do what you've told them to do or how you've told them to do it (especially your direct reports)?

Please select an option

Your ability to be promoted is directly tied to your ability to step back and influence others to do the work instead of you doing the work yourself?

Please select an option

Being completely honest with yourself, the primary reason you became a leader was because you know it is what you needed to do and not simply a desire for increased compensation?

Please select an option

You consistently hold your people accountable for the work that they are responsible for completing?

Please select an option

You believe that success as a leader means that the work is done at the employee-level and not at the leadership-level?

Please select an option

You schedule follow up conversations with your team members, especially when you have conversations that require specific actions needed to be taken or changes in behavior?

Please select an option

You completely trust your folks to complete the work on time once you delegate it to them (move the slider to the % of time you trust them 10%, 20%, 80%, etc.)?

Please select an option
Value = 50

How often do you find yourself stepping in to make sure the work your people are responsible for is getting done?

Please select an option