“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” ~Abraham Lincoln
It is easy to get caught up in the divisiveness that seems to be running rampant throughout our country at this time.
The politicians in Washington D.C. can’t seem to get pass the bipartisanism that divides us even when the future of our country seems to be at stake. Each side simply rejects anything and everything the “other” side does even though they are some of the same ideas they had just years ago. And it doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you stand on!
When you add the magnification of this divisiveness by the media, who seems hell bent on exaggerating either the US or the THEM side, it could lead you to feel quite hopeless…if you let it get to you.
Arthur Schopenhauer was a German philosopher who said, “In truth, the world is neither for us or against us: it is but raw material in our hands, and can be heaven or hell according to what we are.”
Meaning, the level of success you have in your life will not be determined by which side of the aisle you stand on. It will be determined by the actions you take, based on the priorities you have in your life, with the resources’ you have in front of you, at this moment in time.
Wasting your time and energy debating, fearing, or condemning others or their ideals will not help you to achieve the level of success you want and are capable of.
What if…
- What if today you decided that you were going to get clarity on what it is you really want to accomplish in life?
- What if today you decided to stop filling your mind with all the bipartisan garbage and media trash and instead, focused solely on achieving your goals in both business and in life?
- What if you made a detailed list of actions to achieve the results you wanted and then prioritized them in order so that you had a plan to follow that would keep you on track?
You have the power to create your life to be anything you want it to be. You simply have to decide what it is that you want and then prioritize your action steps so that you can achieve the results that you want.
Two final thoughts…
- Don’t allow someone else to determine your level of success.
- And for god’s sake, don’t allow someone else to determine what your experience will be while you are living and breathing on this good earth!