Uncertain Times - This Too Shall Pass

Navigating Uncertain Times…This Too Shall Pass

Order, Disorder, & Reorder  ~ Richard Rohr Thesis, Antithesis, & Synthesis  ~ George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel A Long Time Ago in a Land Far… For thousands of years, civilizations have experienced a pattern of change. According to author Richard Rohr, he believes we experience a time of order where things are settled and stable. Then…


Leadership Faux Pas #5 – Lack of Focus

“When you don’t know your why, you don’t have purpose, when you don’t have purpose, you don’t have clarity, when you don’t have clarity you don’t have focus, and without focus you can’t accomplish a damn thing!” ~ Joe Contrera   A lack of focus will make you highly ineffective as a leader. Sometimes a lack…

Personal Growth…Don’t Take It So Personal!

There have been thousands of books written on the topic of personal growth. If you search ‘personal growth books’ on Amazon.com you will find over 100,000 titles. And while personal growth can be a very personal topic, it certainly doesn’t mean that personal growth is all about YOU! In fact, research shows that having a…