Closing in on Your Purpose
In my last blog, I discussed the difference between talents and skills. I also shared information on how talents and skills relate to being extraordinary and discovering your purpose.
Well maybe got you thinking enough to ask yourself…ALIVE
So how do I know if I’m getting closer to my purpose?
Getting Closer
You can determine whether you’re getting close to your purpose if you can honestly answer the 3 questions below, with a resounding “10, ABSOLUTELY, without a doubt!”
Answering what might be a subjective question with a numerical answer will help you clarify where you are, how far you might have to go to max out, and start you thinking about actions to improve.
3 Questions to Move You Closer
Answer the following questions on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being low and 10 being a full out resounding ABSOLUTELY, without a doubt!
- Is my purpose about serving me, or is it serving others? (Score __ )
- Does what I do for a living (or my lifestyle) bring me a strong sense of ful-fill-ment and/or joy? (Score __ )
- Does what I do (who I am) inspire others to be the best version of themselves? (Score __ )
Now review your ratings and ask yourself just one more question:
In which area do I need to take action and what actions could I take to score a +1, +2, or more?
And then simply start taking those actions!
Your Purpose & Others
Marianne Williamson in her famous “Words To Live By” said it so eloquently:
“There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. And as we let our own light (talents, brilliance, & genius) shine we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.”
Think about that, living and working from your talents, strengths, and brilliance to inspire others to live from theirs!
THAT my friends is how you move closer to your purpose and to live a life you can honestly say is extraordinary!
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