Ideas + Actions = Success

Ideas + Actions = Success

“Action is the foundational key to all success.”  ~Pablo Picasso This week we’re talking about success! After pondering the topic I had this realization, ideas are simply thoughts that when acted upon, materialize in the physical world and push us closer to success. For example, every building that was ever built began as a thought,…

Are Your Emotions Impacting Your Business Decisions

Are Your Emotions Impacting Your Business Decisions?

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.”  ~ Dale Carnegie   There is plenty of research on the role that emotions play in the decision-making process. Some folks believe that people make decisions based on rational analysis. And yet, research shows that emotions play a…

Leadership - Be Careful - It's a Jungle Out There

Leadership: Be Careful…It’s a Jungle Out There!

“Anyone can hide. Facing up to things, working through them, that’s what makes you strong.” ~ Sarah Dessen   Many years ago, Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company sponsored a show called The Wild Kingdom. It was a show  hosted by Marlin Perkins along with his co-host, Jim Fowler. Each an every Sunday night they took…


7 Reasons Why Hiring Great Leaders Is Like Mining For Gold

“All creation is a mine, and every man is a miner.” ~ Abraham Lincoln   A while back, I was working with a group of leaders from a gold mining company to help them strengthen their Coaching Skills. Towards the end of the week I had an opportunity to tour the mine. My guide Jesse…

Uncertain Times - This Too Shall Pass

Navigating Uncertain Times…This Too Shall Pass

Order, Disorder, & Reorder  ~ Richard Rohr Thesis, Antithesis, & Synthesis  ~ George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel A Long Time Ago in a Land Far… For thousands of years, civilizations have experienced a pattern of change. According to author Richard Rohr, he believes we experience a time of order where things are settled and stable. Then…