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Extraordinary Results For Life

Extraordinary Results for Life 
Discover Your Path to be UN-ordinary!

“An extraordinary life isn’t a place where you finally arrive. It isn’t a destination. It is a collection of the thousands and thousands of decisions you make throughout your life!”

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This is a book about change. And while a lot of folks say they want to change, few of them do. Instead, they seek what is ordinary, what is common, known, and comfortable.

If you truly want to live an extraordinary life, you must be willing to look inward and change!

Extraordinary Results for Life is all about you discovering your path out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary. It is not a quick-fix, 21-day path to nirvana but an ongoing process for life…your life!

In this book you will learn:

  • A new and genuine perspective on what being extraordinary looks like.
  • The 3 levels of change present and available to you throughout your life.
  • The greatest obstacle to change and how to overcome it.
  • How to reframe 12 areas of your life to move you closer to being more extraordinary.
  • A process that will lead you to discovering your path to your very own, very personal extraordinary life.

If you are willing to look inward and lean in so far that you can never go back, this book was written just for you!

Extraordinary Results

Extraordinary Results
Mastering the Art of Leading, Coaching & Influencing Others

“Whether you have been leading others for twenty days or twenty years, your ability to lead is directly connected to your ability to influence!”

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Leading, Coaching & Influencing others is an art, if you want to achieve Extraordinary Results, you must not only possess the tools needed to lead, coach, and influence others, you must master these skills.

Years ago, prospective artists were apprenticed to a master for a minimum of two years before they would begin their career, but today, very few companies take the time to apprentice new leaders. The fact is, in todays world, there is no apprenticeship program to become an extraordinary leader.

In his latest book, Extraordinary Results, leadership expert, Joe Contrera shares the concepts and ideas from his in-depth leadership program with you, so you can start Mastering the Art of Leading, Coaching, and Influencing others today!

You Will Learn How To:

  • Influence others instead of trying to control them so you can exponentially increase the productivity of your team.
  • Facilitate group discussions by leveraging the power of the team to work together and create their own solutions to their challenges and problems.
  • Handle one-on-one Coaching conversations in a way that reduces conflict and gives team members a greater sense of purpose and meaning from their work.
  • Mastering the Art of Asking Powerful Questions so that accountability and ownership for the work is on your team and not on you.
  • Leverage the skills professional speakers use to influence and engage their audience.
  • Remove the obstacles that are slowing your career advancement
  • And so much more…
InQ Assessment

Transform Your Ability to Influence Others

Do you lead from a place of power or a place of force? Do you influence others to be their best, or are you attempting to control others to drive your agenda? Are you leading your team or are you simply managing tasks and outcomes?

Influencing others is at the heart of being a great leader. This in depth assessment will provide valuable insights into your relationship to the nine core leadership principals. It will also provide ideas and solutions to transform your leadership and improve your ability to influence others more effectively.

Light 'Em Up

How to Ignite the Fire in Your Sales Team in Just 21 Days

Fire ignites fire!  Author Joe Contrera brings executive sales coaching and management together for the first time in a simple, effective 21-day program.  This easy-to-read guide will help you identify and reignite the fire that inspired you to become a leader.  Whether you lead a team of sales people or accountants, every leader needs to know how to coach, lead and influence others—especially those you wish you had authority over, but you don’t.

I Could Love No One...Until I Loved Me

I Could Love No One…Until I Loved Me

I Could Love No One…Until I Loved Me is a story about the ups, downs, and sometimes sideways path we take as we discover truths about ourselves and our purpose. Whether you are a leader, a follower, or somewhere in-between, you are constantly interacting and influencing others. The question you have to ask yourself is whether or not you are influencing them in a positive or a not-so positive way?

Most people live by the golden rule which challenges us to treat each other as we wish to be treated. It’s been said that you can’t give away something you don’t have and if that’s true … then you cannot fully love others if you don’t love yourself.


The Foundation of Success – The DISC assessment measures how a person does what they do by looking at four factors: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance.

DISC creates a shared language around observable behavior, which in turn improves communication, engagement, and self-development. The DISC Model Uncovers Insight Into the “How” Behind Your “Why”

Taking and understanding a DISC assessment helps people:

  • Minimize unnecessary conflict
  • Increase productivity and engagement
  • Enhance communication
  • Maximize their strengths
  • Develop self-awareness


Talent Insights Shows You More:

Implementing the findings of a TTI Talent Insights® Report (DISC + 12 Driving Forces®) will help you paint a more complete picture of your employees by revealing their behaviors and drivers in one comprehensive report.

This assessment provides your base to understand yourself and others on a more comprehensive level. Talent Insights is an assessment tool that identifies a person’s behaviors and drivers, helping to predict how and why a person will move to action in any given situation.

You Can Use Talent Insights…

  • As part of their hiring process to select the best candidates
  • To onboard effectively
  • As a tool to coach employees
  • As a resource for people development and to manage conflict
  • To develop leaders that will elevate the company from within
  • In short: To help their clients succeed by going deeper than DISC

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is quickly becoming the deciding factor in a Leaders’ ability to be promoted!

The Key to Self, Team, & Leadership Development


Leveraging the information learned in your EQ assessment is critically important as leaders and team members are being faced with a dynamic, constantly changing, fast-paced, business environment of today.

The #1 biggest factor impacting your peoples EQ is how they respond to change. It directly impacts their ability to collaborate so they can achieve higher levels of productivity. It is also the biggest factor determining your leaders ability to effectively influence others!

EQ measures the 5-Dimensions of Emotional Intelligence broken down into 2 categories:

  • Self – What goes on inside of you as you experience day-to-day events.
  • Others – What goes on between you and others


This Assessment Will Provide Even More Insight:

Want to get a clearer picture of yourself or your staff?

Tri-Metrix EQ enables you to dive deeper and paint a more complete story of an individual leader, team member, or team.

Tri-Metrix EQ offers insight into the “how,” the “why,” and how they react to change and other stressful events. This assessment will unveil the strengths and weaknesses in these three important areas.

You Can Use Tri-Metrix EQ To…

  • Develop talent more effectively
  • Resolve conflict
  • Identify future leaders

It is an invaluable tool if you are trying to maximize the potential of your leaders and your people!


Your DISC team report will help your team visualize the results of multiple individual DISC assessments into one collective team snapshot. This report highlights how each individual fits within the overall team dynamic.

This report measures the individual behavioral styles of each team member so they  can discover trends in order to improve team communication and dynamics.

RESULTS: Your team gains valuable insights into how they can collaborate more effectively as a team by understanding the differences in communication styles, strengths, value to the organization, and so much more!



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