“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford
Do you consistently make the choice to empower yourself?
There is a saying, count it all joy, which is an interesting thought, especially if you feel like your sitting in a situation that feels like anything BUT joy.
Most of us have been trained to look at what is wrong as opposed to what is right about a given situation. And a lot of this what’s wrong thinking comes from the way we were programmed along with our life experiences.
Here’s what I know…
When I look at things from the mindset of what’s wrong, what could go wrong, or what will go wrong, I have much less energy and I don’t feel empowered.
To be brutally honest … it just breaks me down and I lose the joy in my life.
This is where Dr. Phil steps into my head and says, “And how’s that working for ya’ Sparky?” Sound familiar?
Here’s the Great News…
You have the power to choose your thoughts and how you choose to look at things. Sounds simple and yet at times our brains wants to go down that negative path and figure out what could, would, or will go wrong.
Now, before you get all worked up, please know that I am not saying to go blindly skipping down the mulberry path towards self-destruction or gloss over the facts and make a bad business decision. I am saying that you might find yourself feeling more empowered if you choose to see what’s right about a situation or event instead of getting stuck in the what’s wrong death spiral!
Empower Yourself: 7 Questions to Ask Yourself if You Get Stuck in Negative Thinking:
- Is this situation permanent or just a temporary setback?
- How does seeing this issue in a negative light serve me? In other words, does it allow me to be a victim or perpetuate my ‘story’ that nothing ever goes my way, I never catch a break, I don’t deserve love, money, success, yadda, yadda, yadda …
- What is the best thing that could happen as a result of this situation?
- Is there a lesson here to learn that could help empower me in the future?
- How does this issue or situation help me get clearer about what I really want or want to happen? Therefore, empowering me even more!
- If I were fully empowered and choosing how I want to do my life, my business, or my relationships…how would I look at this situation differently and what actions would I take?
- If I trusted that everything in life unfolds exactly as it should and I trusted the process…would that change the way I am seeing things at this moment in time?
You Always Have Choices…
You can empower yourself to live the life you choose or you can live a life that is determined by external situations, circumstances, or other people.
You can choose to see what’s right about something or you can choose to see what’s wrong thus missing out on an opportunity to empower yourself.
Finally, you can choose to allow your old negative thoughts, programming, and bad experiences, to set your life’s course OR…
You can create the work you love to do, the life you want to live, and the love you’ve always dreamed of having!
I’m thinking this one’s a no-brainer…I choose to count it all joy!