ALL IN – Change Your Commitments, Change Your Life!

Whether it is a decision to exercise or a decision to spend the rest of your life with someone you love … no commitment can be complete unless you are ALL IN! So how do you define ALL IN? Sometimes it’s easier to help you get a clearer picture of what something is by identifying what it isn’t! That said, here is a list to help you define – ALL IN.

Love and Accountability – Happy Valentines Day!

It’s easy to want to blame or fault others when certain aspects of our lives aren’t going the way we want, especially when it comes to love and accountability. And yet few people embrace the concept that we are 100% responsible for the results we attain in our lives. This includes our thoughts, actions, and emotional well being. Accountability begins when we take 100% responsibility for every aspect of our lives … accountability begins with you!

Oops … I Did It … Again!

Oops … I Did It … Again! Saturday I had a chance to watch my girlfriend’s 12 year old daughter Ally play club volley ball. They won their first match pretty quickly and then moved onto the next. It was during this second match that I watched the negative affects that poor leadership has on…