Do You L-O-V-E What You Do?

“When work is a pleasure, life is joy! When work is a duty, life is slavery.”  ~ Maxim Gorky    No matter which survey you look at, overall employee disengagement at work still remains frighteningly low. Which means that the percentage of employees who have loudly quit, quietly quit, disillusioned, and disengaged continues to negatively…

Leadership Development: Is Your Process Transactional or Transformational?

“Training is something you do to animals, education is something you do for people.” ~ Joe Contrera   Transactions & Exchanges When you go through the drive thru at McDonald’s, there’s a good chance you’re not going for a culinary experience. Going through the drive-thru there is a process that happens about 35 million times…


Talents, Skills, & Being Extraordinary!

Talents, Skills, and Being Extraordinary! People often use the words talents and skills interchangeably, as if they had the exact same meaning. I believe that talents and skills are different. Talents encompass your strengths, your brilliance, and your genius. By genius, I mean in its original form found in the word – genie which means…

Leadership Development Programs: Truth #1 – We’re Measuring the Wrong Thing!

A colleague and I were having a conversation about the overall effectiveness of leadership development programs. Both of us have been coaching and developing leaders for more than twenty years and so comparing notes was both enlightening and educational. While discussing some of the challenges, we came to the conclusion that there are certain factors…