“The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem” ~Theodore Isaac Rubin
At any given time in life, all of us are faced with problems or challenges that at some point may feel insurmountable. Problems come in varying shapes and sizes.
It’s a fact: you cannot navigate through life and avoid having problems. Problems will come no matter how hard you wish them away or how deeply you attempt to ignore them.
The major issue is not that you have a problem, the issue is what you believe about the problem and the actions you take to move through the problem.
The actions you take are a direct result of your beliefs (what you make it mean) and that is what determines your level of success, happiness, and joy. How you perceive the challenge also determines your ability to work towards a solution.
That said, below are a few lessons I have learned about problems. I share them with you in the hopes that one of them may help you move towards a solution to a problem you may be facing.
7 Lessons I Have Learned From Problems:
- Perspective – Whatever problem you are experiencing, chances are someone else is dealing with one that would make your problem look like an everyday sneeze in comparison.
- Reflect to Understand the Cause – While it is our inclination to immediately try to resolve the problem, sometimes it is best to sit in it for a short spell. Why? Just to make sure you are understand and address the cause of the problem (dis-ease) and not just the symptom(s).
- Ignoring Makes it Worse – You can ignore a problem and bury your head in the sand. However, it is just a matter of time before it rears its ugly head again. Only the next time, the head will be a little bigger and a lot uglier.
- Get Other-Centered – At some point after sitting in a problem (for too long) and not taking action or moving forward – the only way out is to take the focus off you and your problem and go serve others. Self-centered-ness can lead to depression.
- Focus on Lessons to Learn – You can change your perspective on problems by asking yourself, What can I learn from this experience? What is this problem telling me about me? How can I benefit from what I am learning?
- Step Back – If the problem exists, the solution exists simultaneously. You just might not be able to recognize it in the moment. Step back, breathe, and walk away for awhile. When you come back, there is a good chance you will see things in a different light and the solution (which may have been there all along).
- Share Your Insights – IF, AND ONLY IF someone asks you for your insights into their problem do you share. More people give more unsolicited advice today then ever before. For the record, all they can do is project their own beliefs and experiences onto you. They will never fully understand. That doesn’t mean they don’t have insights, it simply means in the end you are 100% responsible for finding you solution.
I’m Asking…
Obviously, the list is incomplete. Maybe a great question to ask at this point would be, “So what lessons have you learned from your problems?”
Would you be willing to share your wisdom with the rest of us about an issue you faced and how you moved through it?
Who knows, your insights might just influence someone who needs a little help today and besides we’d love to hear from you!
Till Next Time!