There have been thousands of books written on the topic of personal growth.
If you search ‘personal growth books’ on you will find over 100,000 titles.
And while personal growth can be a very personal topic, it certainly doesn’t mean that personal growth is all about YOU!
In fact, research shows that having a personal growth breakthrough, typically comes when you surrender and let go of you (ego) because for some folks, their ego is their version of their ultimate you. For others, it represent is the false self.
Letting Go of The False You
Letting go of the ego means letting go of the ‘false you.’ It means you letting go of who you think you are, need to be, or what others think of you. Letting go allows you to free yourself from the small, self-centered, ego-driven mindset that keeps you stuck and feeling less than. Sometimes we hide this feeling of less than with a so much better than everyone mindset.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying personal growth doesn’t have anything to do with you, of course it does! You need to be the one who decides to take action or “not.”
What I am saying is that if you make your personal growth ALL about you, you actually limit your potential to grow and positively impact others.
Great Leaders and Teachers
All of the great spiritual leaders, taught that in order to grow, you need get out of your own way and put the small ‘i’ aside.
They teach us to go beyond our insecurities and our fear of ‘not being enough’ and sit in the place of knowing that we are perfect, just the way we are, where we are, at this moment in time.
Not because of what we do, but because of who we are at our core without the facades and masks. This is critical, especially if you lead others.
Being a Leader
If you are a leader, it is critically important that you continue growing as a leader and a person in order to be a better leader for your people.
You cannot be an extraordinary leader and a crappy person.
Your job as a leader is to help others reach their full potential. And you can’t do that if you’re not growing personally and professionally, or if your focus is always on you!
Being a Parent
If you are a parent, it means you pursue personal growth so you can be a better parent for your children.
Being a great parent means you love your children, regardless of whether or not they are smarter, prettier, thinner, more talented, or more athletic than your friends’ kids.
You help your children discover their gifted-ness, brilliance, and what makes them unique, so they can be themselves and not who you think they should be, want them to be, or to make up for all the things you weren’t or aren’t!
Being a Partner
As a partner or spouse, you pursue personal growth so you can be a better partner, so you can love and support them for who they are. Regardless of whether they become the “ideal” partner that you want them to be.
I am not talking about being a door mat or staying in a relationship where you never get your needs met. I am talking about letting go of keeping score, remembering who did what and when, and forgiving them for old stuff, so you can be free to be the best partner that you can be…that is personal growth!
3.3 Questions to Answer
- How are you growing as a leader, a parent, or partner? What are you doing, reading, learning, or letting go of so you can serve others at an even higher level?
- How would your life be different if you pursued personal growth, so that you could serve others, bring out the best in others, and help them to find their place in this world?
- How would you grow personally as a result?
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Until next time!