Interview with Joe Contrera on Leadership

“The single most important characteristic of any leader is self honesty; without it you can’t lead anyone.” Joe Contrera Recently I was interviewed by Dr. Mathew Norton of The Mindfluence Revolution on the topic of Leadership. If you’re interested in hearing the interview simply click here …. According to Joe Contrera, leadership is not a reward…

Leadership Vision … Does Your Vision Need Correction!

Leadership Vision … Does Your Vision Need Correction! Leadership Vision … how clearly do you really see? Poor vision typically results from one of these three causes: You may be nearsighted (the inability to see things clearly that are far away), farsighted (the inability to see things clearly that are close), or an astigmatism (a blurred…

The Path of Leadership …

The path to becoming fully “alive” as a leader begins when you define your purpose – your reason for living. As you get clarity and awareness of your own path you are then able to help others discover and live their own path. Leadership is about pathfinding. In his book Aspire, Kevin Hall breaks down…

How Do You Respond To Your Constituents (Customers)?

How Do You Respond To Your Constituents (Customers)? Elected officials like Sales Professionals some times forget who their customer’s are  … Recently I received an email from my favorite Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio asking for support on a local bill that would force the local Phoenix government to be more efficient in spending our…

Work Life Balance: All Work and No Play …

Work Life Balance: All Work and No Play … I’m sure most people have seen the 1980 film by Stanley Kubrick entitled, The Shining. The story, written by Stephen King, is a psychological thriller about a writer who takes his family to an isolated hotel to be the caretaker in the off season. It will…

Change … The Way You Do Business!

As a Business Professional do you get paid because you solve your customer’s problems? If that’s the case you’re probably making okay money. Do you want to make more money? Then stop focusing on the money AND CHANGE … THE WAY YOU DO BUSINESS! Become a Consultant – Know your client inside and out, understand…