Your Money and Your Life: Frugality, Scarcity, or Abundance?
When we say that someone is frugal … what do we mean?
Are we implying they are cheap, a tight wad, a penny-pincher … or are we implying that they spend money wisely?
You can interpret frugality in a number of ways.
For example, a single Mom raising 3 kids on her own because her loser ex-husband has an entitlement attitude and refuses to get a job that supports his kids NEEDS to be frugal. A millionaire who won’t go to the doctor or get a medical procedure done because they don’t want to spend the money … DOESN’T!
The woman raising the kids is being cost-effective. The millionaire is living a fear-based life of scarcity that negatively impacts every other aspect of their life.
Einstein once said, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” What Einstein is saying is either we believe we live in a safe place or an unsafe place, a place of trust or a place of fear, a place of abundance or a place of scarcity.
So … What About You?
Do you believe the universe is a hostile, unsafe place, where scarcity and a “never enough” mentality dominates your thought process? If so … your life is probably laden with misery and fear. And you will never have “enough” no matter how much you have.
I am not saying to go blow money foolishly or buy things for the sake of buying things. What I am saying is that if you examine the underlying beliefs you have about money, it will give you a snapshot into how you are navigating through the rest of your life … how you love, live, lead, parent, partner, communicate, AND … the level of abundance you have in your life.
According to Albert you choose the life you want to live: you can have abundance or you can have scarcity … you can spend money wisely and call it being cost conscious or you can hoard it and call it frugality. Either way it all starts with whether you believe this place we live is a friendly … or a hostile place!
Have a happy, healthy, and ABUNDANT day!