Achieving Greatness…Need a Nudge?

Achieving Greatness…Need a Nudge? Years ago, I attended the National Speakers Association (NSA) Annual Conference in California. For those of you who don’t know NSA is an organization made up of some of the world’s best professional speakers. Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Dr. Norman Vincent Peal, and Og Mandino are just a few…

Change … an About-F.A.C.E.™

Life continuously offers us opportunities to change and move forward in your growth and development. This may mean that you need let go of the past and embrace your present situation. It may mean that you need to view an old problem from a new perspective in order to find a solution. Or, it could mean that you need to attempt something difficult or different, something that pushes you past your fear and far beyond your comfort-zone.