Joe Contrera is the Founder and President of ALIVE @ WORK LLC, a leadership development company dedicated to helping Extraordinary Leaders Achieve Extraordinary Results. He is the author of three books. His latest, Extraordinary Results: Mastering the Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others, is quickly becoming a must-have resource for leaders in organizations across the country. It will not only change what you believe about leading, it will help you build your leadership skills so that you can successfully influence others.
Hope and Change and Change and Hope and … Get Over it! Webster’s dictionary defines hope as a feeling. It states … hope is “the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.” I believe that hope begins with a thought, a frame of mind, and…
Oops … I Did It … Again! Saturday I had a chance to watch my girlfriend’s 12 year old daughter Ally play club volley ball. They won their first match pretty quickly and then moved onto the next. It was during this second match that I watched the negative affects that poor leadership has on…
A friend of mine and I were discussing the difference between forgiveness and letting go. I shared that in order to forgive, you have to be willing to completely let go of the incident or misdeed. She shared that there were a few things in her life that she had forgiven others for AND she…
The other night I had a potentially energy draining experience at the local Shell gas station. After realizing that gas was .15 per gallon more than the local grocery store (I should’ve bought it when I was there) I filled the tank up. As I waited for the pump to finish processing the transaction so I…
I just received an incredible offer from Smart Money Magazine. Why? Because apparently I am a “Professional” and that entitles me to the “Professional Rate.” And what does that get me? You’re not going to believe this … the normal cover price of Smart Money Magazine is $319.00 when it’s bundled with 52 Weekly issues…
Have you ever gotten to the end of your day and had this realization … I didn’t really accomplish a “d–n” thing today! So you grab your to-do list and write down what you did do … And then check those items off your list so you felt like you actually accomplished something. Okay let’s see ……
The Key to Happiness There are times in my life when I simply do not like what is going on. When this happens I typically go into my “grab control of the situation” mode so that I could get things back to normal and in “control” again. Recently I found myself traveling back to Cleveland…
Authenticity: Stay True To Yourself By Following The Money! A short time ago, I was having a phone conversation with my very dear friend Shawna, We were discussing my favorite topic of late…authenticity. While we were discussing, it was clear that authenticity means that you live a life in alignment with your values. Shawna asked,…
The path to becoming fully “alive” as a leader begins when you define your purpose – your reason for living. As you get clarity and awareness of your own path you are then able to help others discover and live their own path. Leadership is about pathfinding. In his book Aspire, Kevin Hall breaks down…
Monday of this week I sent an audio CD on managing your energy via the U.S. Post Office to one of my clients. Tuesday, I found the same envelope that had I dropped off at the post office the previous day in my mail box with a stamp on it that read “Returned For 43…