Are You Creating a Culture of Disengagement (Video Blog)?

The most successful leaders understand that creating a culture of engagement, the Accountability, Ownership, & Impact of the work must be held at the employee level. Most leaders fail to understand this concept and unconsciously create employees who simply disengage from doing their best work or bringing their best selves to work. Watch leadership expert…

What Leadership Legacy Are You Leaving? (Video Blog)

What Leadership Legacy Are You Leaving? (Video Blog) The stories you tell about your leadership are simply that … your stories. The stories those you lead tell about you when you’re gone is your leadership legacy. What Leadership Legacy are you leaving behind? Continue watching leadership expert Joe Contrera discuss The Power vs. Force Leadership…

Defining Leadership … I’m an Excellent Driver (Video Blog)

Defining Leadership … I’m an Excellent Driver Defining leadership is about as easy as trying to describe the experience of tasting chocolate  to someone who has never experienced sweets. Why? Because everyone has a vastly different opinion about how to define leadership. I once heard a so-called expert on everything define driving in traffic and not…

When Corporate Headquarters and the Field Are Not Connected

When Corporate Headquarters and the Field Are Not Connected Over the years I have had the opportunity to work for organizations who have multiple locations all over the world and a centrally located corporate headquarters located 1000’s of miles away from where the actual work is being done. I experienced this situation early on in…

The Single Biggest Cause of All Leadership Failures …

The Single Biggest Cause of All Leadership Failures … Nearly 46 years ago, Kellogg’s released the first television commercial for Eggo® brand frozen waffles. The commercial shows an Eggo® waffle popping out of a toaster which is immediately grabbed by a father and son simultaneously while they both repeat the phrase “Let go of my Eggo!”…

The Art of Leading Coaching & Influencing Others: Accountability, Ownership, & Impact?

The Art of Leading Coaching & Influencing Others: Accountability, Ownership, & Impact? The world is changing and so is the role of a leader. It is becoming increasingly important for leaders to understand where accountability, ownership, and impact lie. The question is whether it falls on the employee or it falls on the leader. A lot…