you might be a lousi leader - 3

Youuuuuuuu….Just Might Be A Lousi Leader

“The most difficult matter is not so much to change the world as yourself.” ~ Nelson Mandela   It is amazing to me, that in this time where there are countless videos, seminars, workshops, books, and podcasts on how to be an extraordinary leader, we continue to hear story after story and see example after…

Humility versus Humiliation

Leadership Faux Pas #9 – Confusing Humility With Humiliation

“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”  ~ C.S. Lewis   If you look up the definition of humiliation, you will notice words like; embarrassment, shame, indignity, and degradation. If you look up the definition of humility, you will notice words like modesty, humbleness, and a lack of…


Leadership Faux Pas #1 – Taking Things Personally

Are You Taking Things Personally? In his ground-breaking book, The Four Agreements, author Don Miguel Ruiz wrote that taking things personally along with making assumptions was the equivalent of “a personal hell on earth!” As a leader taking things personally is a path to creating a personal hell for everyone in the office…including yourself! Why?…

Leadership Arrogance

Leadership Arrogance: Are You A Monkey’s Uncle?

“Arrogance is the surest path to failure.” ~ William Butler Yeats Leadership Arrogance: Are You A Monkey’s Uncle? Leadership Arrogance can destroy you, your team, and a whole lot more! A while ago I received a third unsolicited email from a “leader” in my industry. I have never met this person, don’t know them, and…