Creating a Culture of Communication … Sow What?

Creating a Culture of Communication … Sow What? Poor Communication continues to be the single biggest factor that negatively impacts organizations. The sad thing is that it has been this way … for 100’s of years. Poor listening skills, failure to communicate important issues, misunderstandings, and improperly trained leaders, are just a few of the…

Leadership Vision … Does Your Vision Need Correction!

Leadership Vision … Does Your Vision Need Correction! Leadership Vision … how clearly do you really see? Poor vision typically results from one of these three causes: You may be nearsighted (the inability to see things clearly that are far away), farsighted (the inability to see things clearly that are close), or an astigmatism (a blurred…

Effective Communication: A 1000 Words Doesn’t Paint A Picture!

However … you can speak at a rate of 120 – 180 words per minute. You can listen at a rate of 400 – 800 words per minute. Your mind can process up to 3000 words per minute!! Anybody see a problem here? The Harvard Business review stated that 87% of business issues are due to the lack of effective communication skills NOT the competencies of the parties.

A Systems Approach to Success

A wise mentor once told me that in order to have success, I needed the ability to repeat the processes that were creating success in my business and my life. In other words … systems for success. This was difficult as I don’t naturally think in a process and procedure way. However, after he spoke, I realized that I needed systems in my life if I wanted to achieve a higher level of success.