Leadership Faux Pas #4 – Are You Turning a Blind Eye?

“It’s not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept.” ~ Bill Watterson Are you turning a blind eye to an issue in your business? What a leader chooses to see or more importantly, what not to see, can have a devastating impact on their business. Being aware of an issue and not taking…

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

So what’s all this mumbo jumbo you keep hearing about Emotional Intelligence? Emotional Intelligence can be defined as a person’s ability to effectively negotiate social relationships and environments. Emotional Intelligence is a relatively new science and is becoming an important factor in determining a persons success in business and in life. A recent survey of…

The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™: Worldview – Friendly or Hostile

The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™: Worldview – Friendly or Hostile A brief excerpt from Joe’s new book, The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™, coming out later this year. Albert Einstein once said, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”…