Influence - Leverage the Power of Failure

Influence: Leverage the Power of Failure

“It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” ~J.K. Rowling   One way to more powerfully influence others is to leverage your failures. People don’t realize the power of failure and…


Got EQ? Here’s Why You Really Need It!

“Your ability to comprehend what is not being spoken, is even more important than your ability to comprehend what is being spoken!” ~ Joe Contrera Emotional Intelligence, also known as EQ is now a highly sought after skill amongst Leaders. It was initially introduced in the 1930’s by psychologist Edward Thorndike as “social intelligence, and…

Defining Leadership … I’m an Excellent Driver (Video Blog)

Defining Leadership … I’m an Excellent Driver Defining leadership is about as easy as trying to describe the experience of tasting chocolate  to someone who has never experienced sweets. Why? Because everyone has a vastly different opinion about how to define leadership. I once heard a so-called expert on everything define driving in traffic and not…

Leading Others is a Privilege

Leading Others is a Privilege I am often asked about whether leaders are born or trained. I personally despise the use of the word training when it comes to developing leaders. I think we train animals … we educate leaders. Yes, leaders can be developed.  However, if a leader has the skills but doesn’t understand…