Dissolving Your Ego

How Do I Dissolve My Ego? (Video Blog)

How Do I Dissolve My Ego? In our previous video we discussed the biggest obstacle blocking your path to changing your mindset. Your Ego! This week we Joe continues the discussion by sharing two critical characteristics needed to continue the process of creating the change you want in your life! Watch leadership speaker, Joe Contrera…


The Challenge to Be Extraordinary (VIDEO BLOG)

The Challenge to Be Extraordinary (VIDEO BLOG) Defining what you believe about being extraordinary by anyone other than yourself, is very dangerous. Why? Because if you allow others to define extraordinary for you, you will always be conforming to someone else’s’ ideals or way of life. And if they choose to live an ordinary life…


WAKE UP! (PART I) – ARE YOU FALLING ASLEEP? I have noticed that I seem to travel between two perspectives on how I do my life. At times, I am engaged, disciplined, and consistent about achieving my life’s purpose, I am fully-alive, energized, and nothing can get in my way. I am in total control…

Change … an About-F.A.C.E.™

Life continuously offers us opportunities to change and move forward in your growth and development. This may mean that you need let go of the past and embrace your present situation. It may mean that you need to view an old problem from a new perspective in order to find a solution. Or, it could mean that you need to attempt something difficult or different, something that pushes you past your fear and far beyond your comfort-zone.

The Power of One …

The Power of One … At times it can  be easy to forget the idea that it takes just one idea, action, or belief to transform the world. Whether that be the world-at-large or the much smaller world that you inhabit, especially the one in your head. Most of us have forgotten the impact we…