WAKE UP! (PART I) – ARE YOU FALLING ASLEEP? I have noticed that I seem to travel between two perspectives on how I do my life. At times, I am engaged, disciplined, and consistent about achieving my life’s purpose, I am fully-alive, energized, and nothing can get in my way. I am in total control…

Change … an About-F.A.C.E.™

Life continuously offers us opportunities to change and move forward in your growth and development. This may mean that you need let go of the past and embrace your present situation. It may mean that you need to view an old problem from a new perspective in order to find a solution. Or, it could mean that you need to attempt something difficult or different, something that pushes you past your fear and far beyond your comfort-zone.

The Power of One …

The Power of One … At times it can  be easy to forget the idea that it takes just one idea, action, or belief to transform the world. Whether that be the world-at-large or the much smaller world that you inhabit, especially the one in your head. Most of us have forgotten the impact we…

Positively Positive!

You’ve heard the saying, “garbage in … garbage out.” When it comes to your thoughts and your words, the same principle applies … what you think will determine what you do AND what you say. Most people have heard these statements before … what you sow is what you reap, be careful who you hang out with it is who you will become, thoughts become things, etc.