Closing in on Your Purpose…

Closing in on Your Purpose In my last blog, I discussed the difference between talents and skills. I also shared information on how talents and skills relate to being extraordinary and discovering your purpose. Well maybe got you thinking enough to ask yourself…ALIVE So how do I know if I’m getting closer to my purpose? Getting…


Talents, Skills, & Being Extraordinary!

Talents, Skills, and Being Extraordinary! People often use the words talents and skills interchangeably, as if they had the exact same meaning. I believe that talents and skills are different. Talents encompass your strengths, your brilliance, and your genius. By genius, I mean in its original form found in the word – genie which means…

(RE)discovering Your Purpose as a Leader

(RE)discovering Your Purpose as a Leader Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to kick off a new group for our, Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™ Program. It is an advanced learning experience that reeducates leaders on the core principles of what it means to lead others, while consistently building their coaching &…

The Power of One …

The Power of One … At times it can  be easy to forget the idea that it takes just one idea, action, or belief to transform the world. Whether that be the world-at-large or the much smaller world that you inhabit, especially the one in your head. Most of us have forgotten the impact we…

Finding Purpose, Clarity, and Focus …

A wise mentor of mine, Dr Nido Qubein of High Point University, once told me, “Joe if you don’t have a why … the how and the what don’t matter!” As I reflect back on the times in my life when I was driven towards a particular goal … be it writing my first book or starting my business, I was always crystal clear about the why behind my actions. I had a clear understanding of my purpose for that particular goal and was driven to achieve it.

Putting Yourself Out There: When Authenticity and Risk Collide!

This is a story about a book, a book about what happens when authenticity and risk collide. I started writing my soon to be released book, I Could Love No One Until I Loved Me in early 2009. At the time, I was going through a pretty traumatic time in my life. It was the onset of what some called the ‘second depression’ and my business had been significantly impacted. In what felt like a matter of days, we went from having our best year ever to having one of our worst … overnight.