Leadership Development: Are Your Programs Engineered to Serve the Masses? – Part II

(*This is Part-2 in a 3-part series on the challenges organizations face when it comes to their Leadership Development Programs and a few ideas on how to make them even better!)   “You train animals, but you educate people. Make sure you understand the difference when it comes to the investment you make in developing your…

The 10 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

10 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make!

“Life is like the monkey bars: you have to let go to move forward. Once you make the decision to leap into entrepreneurship, be sure to loosen your grasp on old concepts so you can swing your way to new ones.”  ~Leah Busque (American entrepreneur)   Entrepreneurs are a special breed. It takes a great sense of…

Dissolving Your Ego

How Do I Dissolve My Ego? (Video Blog)

How Do I Dissolve My Ego? In our previous video we discussed the biggest obstacle blocking your path to changing your mindset. Your Ego! This week we Joe continues the discussion by sharing two critical characteristics needed to continue the process of creating the change you want in your life! Watch leadership speaker, Joe Contrera…

Defining Leadership … I’m an Excellent Driver (Video Blog)

Defining Leadership … I’m an Excellent Driver Defining leadership is about as easy as trying to describe the experience of tasting chocolate  to someone who has never experienced sweets. Why? Because everyone has a vastly different opinion about how to define leadership. I once heard a so-called expert on everything define driving in traffic and not…

Leading Others is a Privilege

Leading Others is a Privilege I am often asked about whether leaders are born or trained. I personally despise the use of the word training when it comes to developing leaders. I think we train animals … we educate leaders. Yes, leaders can be developed.  However, if a leader has the skills but doesn’t understand…