Discover The Key to Leading Others?

“Leadership is influence.”  ~ John C. Maxwell One of the biggest challenges facing a leader is the ability to step back and influence others to get results. The key is to get results without doing the work yourself or micromanaging your folks into becoming clones so they do the work the exact same way you would.…


Do You L-O-V-E What You Do?

“When work is a pleasure, life is joy! When work is a duty, life is slavery.”  ~ Maxim Gorky    No matter which survey you look at, overall employee disengagement at work still remains frighteningly low. Which means that the percentage of employees who have loudly quit, quietly quit, disillusioned, and disengaged continues to negatively…


The Law of Unintended Consequences

“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.” ~ Margaret J. Wheatley The Law of Unintended Consequences A short time ago I was working with a team of senior leaders. We were discussing the overall purpose of the organization and the bottom-line goal that was driving…

Are You Creating a Culture of Disengagement (Video Blog)?

The most successful leaders understand that creating a culture of engagement, the Accountability, Ownership, & Impact of the work must be held at the employee level. Most leaders fail to understand this concept and unconsciously create employees who simply disengage from doing their best work or bringing their best selves to work. Watch leadership expert…

The Art of Leading Coaching & Influencing Others: Accountability, Ownership, & Impact?

The Art of Leading Coaching & Influencing Others: Accountability, Ownership, & Impact? The world is changing and so is the role of a leader. It is becoming increasingly important for leaders to understand where accountability, ownership, and impact lie. The question is whether it falls on the employee or it falls on the leader. A lot…

Influencing Others: Outside-In or Inside-Out

Influencing Others: Outside-In or Inside-Out Your greatest ability to influence others comes from the fact that influencing others is not an outside-in job … it is an inside-out job! Before I explain why … answer the following questions and be brutally honest with yourself: In a conversation with another person, do you spend the majority…

Creating a Culture of Communication … Sow What?

Creating a Culture of Communication … Sow What? Poor Communication continues to be the single biggest factor that negatively impacts organizations. The sad thing is that it has been this way … for 100’s of years. Poor listening skills, failure to communicate important issues, misunderstandings, and improperly trained leaders, are just a few of the…