Leading Others is a Privilege

Leading Others is a Privilege I am often asked about whether leaders are born or trained. I personally despise the use of the word training when it comes to developing leaders. I think we train animals … we educate leaders. Yes, leaders can be developed.  However, if a leader has the skills but doesn’t understand…

The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™: Worldview – Friendly or Hostile

The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™: Worldview – Friendly or Hostile A brief excerpt from Joe’s new book, The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™, coming out later this year. Albert Einstein once said, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”…

The Art of Leading Coaching & Influencing Others: Privilege & Calling vs. Entitlement

The Art of Leading Coaching & Influencing Others: Privilege & Calling vs. Entitlement CLICK THE VIDEO ABOVE & LEARN WHY LEADERSHIP  ISN’T A REWARD FOR PERFORMANCE … IT IS A CALLING! When you look at how most companies select leaders, it is a rather simple process. We take a great performer (because they achieved great…

The Art of Leading Coaching & Influencing Others: Accountability, Ownership, & Impact?

The Art of Leading Coaching & Influencing Others: Accountability, Ownership, & Impact? The world is changing and so is the role of a leader. It is becoming increasingly important for leaders to understand where accountability, ownership, and impact lie. The question is whether it falls on the employee or it falls on the leader. A lot…

Influencing Others: Outside-In or Inside-Out

Influencing Others: Outside-In or Inside-Out Your greatest ability to influence others comes from the fact that influencing others is not an outside-in job … it is an inside-out job! Before I explain why … answer the following questions and be brutally honest with yourself: In a conversation with another person, do you spend the majority…

Interview with Joe Contrera on Leadership

“The single most important characteristic of any leader is self honesty; without it you can’t lead anyone.” Joe Contrera Recently I was interviewed by Dr. Mathew Norton of The Mindfluence Revolution on the topic of Leadership. If you’re interested in hearing the interview simply click here …. According to Joe Contrera, leadership is not a reward…