Achieving Greatness…Need a Nudge?

Achieving Greatness…Need a Nudge? Years ago, I attended the National Speakers Association (NSA) Annual Conference in California. For those of you who don’t know NSA is an organization made up of some of the world’s best professional speakers. Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Dr. Norman Vincent Peal, and Og Mandino are just a few…

Leadership Isn’t a Reward for Performance … It is a Calling!

Leadership Isn’t a Reward For Performance, It is a Calling!

Leadership Isn’t a Reward for Performance, It is a Calling! The way most organizations choose a leader is to promote a good performer. Even though they may lack the skills, talent, or even the desire to lead. In other words, leadership is a reward for great performance. We take our top producers, promote them, and…

11 Truths About Extraordinary Leaders

11 Truths About Extraordinary Leaders Below are 11 truths that separate, Managers & Leaders from Extraordinary Leaders: Leadership is something most leaders believe they do extremely well. And yet…poor leadership is still the number one reason  people leave an organization. When an average leader is leading, their people say, “Look at what our leader has…

Dissolving Your Ego

How Do I Dissolve My Ego? (Video Blog)

How Do I Dissolve My Ego? In our previous video we discussed the biggest obstacle blocking your path to changing your mindset. Your Ego! This week we Joe continues the discussion by sharing two critical characteristics needed to continue the process of creating the change you want in your life! Watch leadership speaker, Joe Contrera…