Leadership Isn’t a Reward for Performance … It is a Calling!

Leadership Isn’t a Reward For Performance, It is a Calling!

Leadership Isn’t a Reward for Performance, It is a Calling! The way most organizations choose a leader is to promote a good performer. Even though they may lack the skills, talent, or even the desire to lead. In other words, leadership is a reward for great performance. We take our top producers, promote them, and…

11 Truths About Extraordinary Leaders

11 Truths About Extraordinary Leaders Below are 11 truths that separate, Managers & Leaders from Extraordinary Leaders: Leadership is something most leaders believe they do extremely well. And yet…poor leadership is still the number one reason  people leave an organization. When an average leader is leading, their people say, “Look at what our leader has…

Defining Leadership … I’m an Excellent Driver (Video Blog)

Defining Leadership … I’m an Excellent Driver Defining leadership is about as easy as trying to describe the experience of tasting chocolate  to someone who has never experienced sweets. Why? Because everyone has a vastly different opinion about how to define leadership. I once heard a so-called expert on everything define driving in traffic and not…

The Single Biggest Cause of All Leadership Failures …

The Single Biggest Cause of All Leadership Failures … Nearly 46 years ago, Kellogg’s released the first television commercial for Eggo® brand frozen waffles. The commercial shows an Eggo® waffle popping out of a toaster which is immediately grabbed by a father and son simultaneously while they both repeat the phrase “Let go of my Eggo!”…

Leading Others is a Privilege

Leading Others is a Privilege I am often asked about whether leaders are born or trained. I personally despise the use of the word training when it comes to developing leaders. I think we train animals … we educate leaders. Yes, leaders can be developed.  However, if a leader has the skills but doesn’t understand…

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

So what’s all this mumbo jumbo you keep hearing about Emotional Intelligence? Emotional Intelligence can be defined as a person’s ability to effectively negotiate social relationships and environments. Emotional Intelligence is a relatively new science and is becoming an important factor in determining a persons success in business and in life. A recent survey of…