11 Truths About Extraordinary Leaders

11 Truths About Extraordinary Leaders Below are 11 truths that separate, Managers & Leaders from Extraordinary Leaders: Leadership is something most leaders believe they do extremely well. And yet…poor leadership is still the number one reason  people leave an organization. When an average leader is leading, their people say, “Look at what our leader has…

The Single Biggest Cause of All Leadership Failures …

The Single Biggest Cause of All Leadership Failures … Nearly 46 years ago, Kellogg’s released the first television commercial for Eggo® brand frozen waffles. The commercial shows an Eggo® waffle popping out of a toaster which is immediately grabbed by a father and son simultaneously while they both repeat the phrase “Let go of my Eggo!”…

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

So what’s all this mumbo jumbo you keep hearing about Emotional Intelligence? Emotional Intelligence can be defined as a person’s ability to effectively negotiate social relationships and environments. Emotional Intelligence is a relatively new science and is becoming an important factor in determining a persons success in business and in life. A recent survey of…

The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™: Authority versus Control

The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™: Authority versus Control A brief excerpt from Joe’s new book, The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™, coming out later this year. A number of years ago a colleague of mine recommended a book entitled, Power versus Force by David Hawkins. It was an extremely powerful…

The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™: Transparency & Opaqueness

The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™: Transparency & Opaqueness Transparency – the quality or state of being free from pretense or deceit. Opaqueness – attempt to block, making something hard to understand or see. Much can be said about these topics because they touch every aspect of our lives. Whether it is politics, the news…

Interview with Joe Contrera on Leadership

“The single most important characteristic of any leader is self honesty; without it you can’t lead anyone.” Joe Contrera Recently I was interviewed by Dr. Mathew Norton of The Mindfluence Revolution on the topic of Leadership. If you’re interested in hearing the interview simply click here …. According to Joe Contrera, leadership is not a reward…

Leadership Vision … Does Your Vision Need Correction!

Leadership Vision … Does Your Vision Need Correction! Leadership Vision … how clearly do you really see? Poor vision typically results from one of these three causes: You may be nearsighted (the inability to see things clearly that are far away), farsighted (the inability to see things clearly that are close), or an astigmatism (a blurred…