Quiet Quitting… An Oxymoron?

Quiet Quitting… An Oxymoron? The term quiet quitting has been being bantered around a lot lately. Apparently,  it is a derivative of the Great Resignation, and is defined as an employee who puts no more effort into their job than absolutely necessary, basically it is about doing the bare minimum. As an executive coach, I…

Are You Creating a Culture of Disengagement (Video Blog)?

The most successful leaders understand that creating a culture of engagement, the Accountability, Ownership, & Impact of the work must be held at the employee level. Most leaders fail to understand this concept and unconsciously create employees who simply disengage from doing their best work or bringing their best selves to work. Watch leadership expert…

The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™: Worldview – Friendly or Hostile

The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™: Worldview – Friendly or Hostile A brief excerpt from Joe’s new book, The Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™, coming out later this year. Albert Einstein once said, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”…

The Key To Teamwork is 100% Ownership

The Key To Teamwork is 100% Ownership If you are not taking 100% ownership for the results you are getting in your life, you are not reaching your maximum potential as an individual or as a team. You may also negatively impact your relationships in both your personal and professional life. I was taught a…

The Art of Leading Coaching & Influencing Others: Accountability, Ownership, & Impact?

The Art of Leading Coaching & Influencing Others: Accountability, Ownership, & Impact? The world is changing and so is the role of a leader. It is becoming increasingly important for leaders to understand where accountability, ownership, and impact lie. The question is whether it falls on the employee or it falls on the leader. A lot…

Love and Accountability – Happy Valentines Day!

It’s easy to want to blame or fault others when certain aspects of our lives aren’t going the way we want, especially when it comes to love and accountability. And yet few people embrace the concept that we are 100% responsible for the results we attain in our lives. This includes our thoughts, actions, and emotional well being. Accountability begins when we take 100% responsibility for every aspect of our lives … accountability begins with you!