Be Divisive or Be Decisive - It's Your Choice!

Be Divisive or Be Decisive – It’s Your Choice!

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” ~Abraham Lincoln   It is easy to get caught up in the divisiveness that seems to be running rampant throughout our country at this time. The politicians in Washington D.C. can’t seem to get pass the bipartisanism that divides us even when the future of our country seems…

How To (RE)discover Your Purpose as a Leader

How to (RE)discover Your Purpose as a Leader

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” ~ President John Quincy Adams Not very long ago, I had the opportunity to kick off a new group for our, Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others™ Program. It is an advanced learning experience that…


20 Leadership Behaviors That Tell You it is Time to Quit!

“Knowing when to leave may be the smartest thing anyone can learn.”  ~ Burt Bacharach   Over the years I have had the opportunity to work with or present in front of 1000’s of leaders. On occasion, I have been asked, What makes a great leader? What are the traits of a great leader? Can…

Discover The Key to Leading Others?

“Leadership is influence.”  ~ John C. Maxwell One of the biggest challenges facing a leader is the ability to step back and influence others to get results. The key is to get results without doing the work yourself or micromanaging your folks into becoming clones so they do the work the exact same way you would.…

Want To Be More Positive...Read This!

Want To Be More Positive?

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”  ~Willie Nelson   You’ve heard the saying, “garbage in…garbage out.” When it comes to your thoughts and your words, the same principle applies. What you think determines not only what you say but more importantly, what you do. You’ve probably heard these…