Joe Contrera is the Founder and President of ALIVE @ WORK LLC, a leadership development company dedicated to helping Extraordinary Leaders Achieve Extraordinary Results. He is the author of three books. His latest, Extraordinary Results: Mastering the Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others, is quickly becoming a must-have resource for leaders in organizations across the country. It will not only change what you believe about leading, it will help you build your leadership skills so that you can successfully influence others.
Handling Uncertainty … To Rail Or Not To Rail? In times of uncertainty, you can choose to rail against everything and everyone you do not agree or align with. Your other option is that you can choose to be a rail that guides and supports others who are struggling to make sense of what is…
Knowledge & Wisdom: Why You Need Both Understanding the difference between knowledge and wisdom can be confusing. Knowledge can be acquired by simply reading a book. Wisdom is acquired through experience, yours or someone else’s. You must have a balance of both, if you want to navigate through these crazy times! Watch leadership speaker, Joe Contrera,…
The Underlying Need Driving Us All Over the last few weeks we’ve discussed the topics of Purpose, Self-Awareness, & Ego. This week we bring them all together to uncover the core need that drives all of us! It is unspoken and yet evident in nearly everything we do. Watch leadership speaker, Joe Contrera as he…
Self-Awareness & the Impact on Others Self-Awareness is the key to unlocking your Emotional Intelligence (EQ). It also happens to be the first skill you must master if you want to be an extraordinary leader. And yet, so many of us focus externally on situations, events, and people that are beyond our control. This external…
How Do I Dissolve My Ego? In our previous video we discussed the biggest obstacle blocking your path to changing your mindset. Your Ego! This week we Joe continues the discussion by sharing two critical characteristics needed to continue the process of creating the change you want in your life! Watch leadership speaker, Joe Contrera…
The Biggest Obstacle Preventing You From Changing Our ability to change can be hindered by a number of things. I think the biggest factor preventing us from embracing change is the same factor that I have seen decimate leaders, teams, families, and yes countries! To uncover this hidden and sometimes not so hidden factor please…
Question: How Do I Change? A lot of folks want to change various aspects of their lives. They want to change their career, the choices they make, their relationships, health, level of success, etc. Yet for many, sustaining the changes they make, is an ongoing battle that they never seem to win. They bounce between…
The Challenge to Be Extraordinary (VIDEO BLOG) Defining what you believe about being extraordinary by anyone other than yourself, is very dangerous. Why? Because if you allow others to define extraordinary for you, you will always be conforming to someone else’s’ ideals or way of life. And if they choose to live an ordinary life…
WAKE UP! (PART II): 3 Things To Do To Get Back On Track In WAKE UP! (Part I) We discussed how the Covid-19 Pandemic was negatively impacting your goals, accountability, and mindset. In Part II, you will uncover the 3 steps you can take to change your mindset, realign your goals, and start taking 100%…
WAKE UP! (PART I) – ARE YOU FALLING ASLEEP? I have noticed that I seem to travel between two perspectives on how I do my life. At times, I am engaged, disciplined, and consistent about achieving my life’s purpose, I am fully-alive, energized, and nothing can get in my way. I am in total control…