Joe Contrera is the Founder and President of ALIVE @ WORK LLC, a leadership development company dedicated to helping Extraordinary Leaders Achieve Extraordinary Results. He is the author of three books. His latest, Extraordinary Results: Mastering the Art of Leading, Coaching, & Influencing Others, is quickly becoming a must-have resource for leaders in organizations across the country. It will not only change what you believe about leading, it will help you build your leadership skills so that you can successfully influence others.

Personal Growth…Don’t Take It So Personal!

There have been thousands of books written on the topic of personal growth. If you search ‘personal growth books’ on you will find over 100,000 titles. And while personal growth can be a very personal topic, it certainly doesn’t mean that personal growth is all about YOU! In fact, research shows that having a…

George it's an Integrity Thing

George…it’s an Integrity Thing!

in·teg·ri·ty – /inˈteɡrədē/  noun 1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. 2. the state of being whole and undivided. There seems to be a “lack of integrity” epidemic infiltrating our society. In all actuality, this dis-ease that has been around for quite awhile, although it seems to be spreading wider,…