20 Leadership Behaviors That Tell You it is Time to Quit!

“Knowing when to leave may be the smartest thing anyone can learn.”  ~ Burt Bacharach   Over the years I have had the opportunity to work with or present in front of 1000’s of leaders. On occasion, I have been asked, What makes a great leader? What are the traits of a great leader? Can…

Discover The Key to Leading Others?

“Leadership is influence.”  ~ John C. Maxwell One of the biggest challenges facing a leader is the ability to step back and influence others to get results. The key is to get results without doing the work yourself or micromanaging your folks into becoming clones so they do the work the exact same way you would.…

Ideas + Actions = Success

Ideas + Actions = Success

“Action is the foundational key to all success.”  ~Pablo Picasso This week we’re talking about success! After pondering the topic I had this realization, ideas are simply thoughts that when acted upon, materialize in the physical world and push us closer to success. For example, every building that was ever built began as a thought,…


7 Reasons Why Hiring Great Leaders Is Like Mining For Gold

“All creation is a mine, and every man is a miner.” ~ Abraham Lincoln   A while back, I was working with a group of leaders from a gold mining company to help them strengthen their Coaching Skills. Towards the end of the week I had an opportunity to tour the mine. My guide Jesse…


Leadership Faux Pas #5 – Lack of Focus

“When you don’t know your why, you don’t have purpose, when you don’t have purpose, you don’t have clarity, when you don’t have clarity you don’t have focus, and without focus you can’t accomplish a damn thing!” ~ Joe Contrera   A lack of focus will make you highly ineffective as a leader. Sometimes a lack…


The Law of Unintended Consequences

“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.” ~ Margaret J. Wheatley The Law of Unintended Consequences A short time ago I was working with a team of senior leaders. We were discussing the overall purpose of the organization and the bottom-line goal that was driving…

Extraordinary Results for Life: Discover Your Path to Be UN-ordinary!

An excerpt from Joe’s Latest book, Extraordinary Results for Life, now available here THE PATH TO AN UN-ORDINARY JOURNEY BEGINS… Self-awareness is the first step in becoming un-ordinary. When you can embrace a sense of humility, work to dissolve or minimize your ego, and push yourself outside of your comfort zones, you will then be…