20 Leadership Behaviors That Tell You it is Time to Quit!

“Knowing when to leave may be the smartest thing anyone can learn.”  ~ Burt Bacharach   Over the years I have had the opportunity to work with or present in front of 1000’s of leaders. On occasion, I have been asked, What makes a great leader? What are the traits of a great leader? Can…

The Art of Leading Coaching & Influencing Others It's Not About You

Leading Coaching & Influencing Others: It’s Really Not About You!

“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does great things. They are the one that gets people to do the greatest things.”  ~ Ronald Reagan   As a leader, coach, or influencer, when you make yourself the center of attention or the focus you will more-than-likely fail more times than you win. As…

you might be a lousi leader - 3

Youuuuuuuu….Just Might Be A Lousi Leader

“The most difficult matter is not so much to change the world as yourself.” ~ Nelson Mandela   It is amazing to me, that in this time where there are countless videos, seminars, workshops, books, and podcasts on how to be an extraordinary leader, we continue to hear story after story and see example after…

The Difference between self-centered leaders and extraordinary leaders

Self-Centered Leaders Versus Extraordinary Leaders – Which Are You?

“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” ~Lao Tzu   These words spoken by the 6th Century Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu, really captures the heart of leadership for me. Unlike many of the current leaders of today…

Leadership Development: Is Your Process Transactional or Transformational?

“Training is something you do to animals, education is something you do for people.” ~ Joe Contrera   Transactions & Exchanges When you go through the drive thru at McDonald’s, there’s a good chance you’re not going for a culinary experience. Going through the drive-thru there is a process that happens about 35 million times…


Got EQ? Here’s Why You Really Need It!

“Your ability to comprehend what is not being spoken, is even more important than your ability to comprehend what is being spoken!” ~ Joe Contrera Emotional Intelligence, also known as EQ is now a highly sought after skill amongst Leaders. It was initially introduced in the 1930’s by psychologist Edward Thorndike as “social intelligence, and…

Leadership Isn’t a Reward for Performance … It is a Calling!

Leadership Isn’t a Reward For Performance, It is a Calling!

Leadership Isn’t a Reward for Performance, It is a Calling! The way most organizations choose a leader is to promote a good performer. Even though they may lack the skills, talent, or even the desire to lead. In other words, leadership is a reward for great performance. We take our top producers, promote them, and…